Don't Visit Savannah

1 square mile and more than 41,000 tours!

Trolleys and buses and drunks, oh my.  Endless tours and trolleys, all day, every day bragging about how much you can drink on their tour.  No historic truth or information required.

See the City as Locals Do

Scenic and relaxed enchantment among Savannah's National Historic Landmark District squares and neighborhoods.

Overdevelopment squashing historic buildings and a homeless population on every square.

Quiet reflection and solitude to be enjoyed during your stay.

We have plenty of ordinances to make sure your stay is a pleasant one. We just don't enforce any of them.

Too Many Tours

Over-tourism and development are rapidly killing Savannah. It is losing its historic charm and significance without a thought as to what will be gone in just a few short years if the tourism industry and commerce continue bulldozing their way through fragile and historic neighborhoods. Quality of life has been completely ignored. Full time residents are becoming a rare breed and soon the Historic Landmark District will be an empty shell of what was once a thriving community of concerned citizens.